Saturday, December 28, 2019

Literary Origins, Cultural Relevance, And Documentary...

Rebecca Holland Visual Anthropology Dracula and Friends - Literary Origins, Cultural Relevance, and Documentary Techniques in the Cinematic Space of the American Vampire Film Beginning with a debut in American cinema in 1927 (1), the vampire has enjoyed a long and illustrious cinematic sojourn that has tracked a number of changes in his or her appearance, demeanor, personality, style of undeath, and relationship to humankind. At first an intimate invader, then a source of terror to be loathed and feared, the vampire has morphed into a rather sympathetic creature, romanticized and even envisioned as the ultimate lover in modern day film and literature. The cinematic methods with which the vampire has been depicted, and the light in which he has been cast are heavily influenced by the political and cultural climate of the age in which he has been incarnated (2). Moreover, those methods, when viewed through the anthropological lens, correlate with methods used to create the documentary space in visual anthropology. In this paper, I will be providing a brief overview of the vampire s debut in British literature in 1819, and the Orientalist influence that ultimately led to an inextricable link between the primitive exotic and the lord of vampires himself, Dracula, in Bram Stoker s 1897 novel. I will then look at the vampire s presence in American cinema, and discuss a few culturally relevant reasons for the vampire s journey from admired companion, to fearedShow MoreRelatedMass Communication5882 Words   |  24 PagesThe academic mass communication discipline historically differs from media studies and communication studies programs with roots in departments of theatre, film or speech, and with more interest in qualitative, interpretive theory, critical or cultural approaches to communication study. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Theory Integration

Advantages/Disadvantages One disadvantage of theory integration the possibility of the wrong mixture of theories by criminologist which could increase the odds of a person gravitating towards criminality increase (Frame, 2009). Another disadvantage with integration is variables get missed and vital information is left out. Finally, integration can lead to misconceptions of theories. The advantage of integration different theories is that decreases repetition where two theories are relaying the same message with different opinions. Another advantage is that integration brings consistency to theories Future of Theory Integration Theory integration requires goals in order to make an impact on the future of criminology. According to Muftic (2009), the first goal of integration is theory reduction. Reducing the number of theories that basically explain the same behavior reduces the competition amongst researchers as well as inconsistency in theories. A second goal is to increase explained variance. Increasing the explained variance allows for more support of a theory as it is related to crime prevention and treatment. As with most theories there are advantages and disadvantages. Theory integration has advantages that will play an important part in the future of criminology. One advantage is the use of linking propositions such as sequential integration. This theory integration links the immediate cause of crime to a more distant cause of crime and that to an even moreShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Criminology And The Future Of Criminology1583 Words   |  7 Pagescriminologist have co nsidered theory integration important for the future of criminology due to the flourishment of crimes in society. Researchers have begun to study crime and the punishments associated with specific crimes that do not include trust crimes such as fraud, workplace theft or income tax invasion. However, they are studying an array of criminal behaviors that involve illicit and illegal behaviors in an effort to establish how important integrated theory will affect the future of criminologyRead MoreThe Supply Chain Of Zara Essay1140 Words   |  5 Pagessatisfies them. One of zara s disadvantages is its strategy of introducing new items with great frequency, also to lower the risk if an item doesn’t sold they produce items in smaller batches.. But smaller batches lead to exclusivity, so they are not restocked with another shipment when items sold out. Items can appear and disappear within a week if it is popular. Consumers have to buy items that they like or they will miss it out. Also zara have some advantages as an example, fast at Zara meansRead MoreAdvantages and Disadvantages of Regional Integration in Business1200 Words   |  5 PagesAdvantages and disadvantages of regional integration Introduction The chosen trading bloc is the EU. Spain is a member of the European Union. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Coloplast Organizational Structure free essay sample

Coloplast went from a production structured organization to a functional structured organization. In the production structure the focus was on the products wish were divided into 3 product divisions. In the functional structure the company focus on specialization of tasks. Before: the production organization The production organization structure also called Division Structure is divided into 3 production division; skin, wound care and continence care, and ostomy care. Each division beyond having its department for research, development, sales and marketing, contains all the necessary resources and functions. By applying the production organization, a company gains the followings benefits: A structure where it’s easy to define the objectives and word work assignments can simply be coordinated, within each division. Another Benefit Coloplast can gain on this structure is the flexibility among workers. Workers from one department can be put on assignments in another department within the same division, if needed. This’s made possible by the fact that most of the workers are not specialist in any specific field. Should any problem occur in the division structure the causes are quickly detected and solved. This type of structure allows local leaders to make small locale adjustments to meet the challenges in there division. But this system holds its own weaknesses. It can harm communication flow between different divisions. This may result in loosing the overall focus on the objective of the organization. It may happen that each local division create its own culture witch may not necessarily be compatible with the company’s culture as a whole. The limited communication between divisions makes it hard for them to exchange experience and expertize. This system by nature is heavy and costly. In order for the company to have all the necessary resources and functions within each division, they can’t afford the best expertize on every field. After: the functional organization The new organizational structure focuses more on functions. Unlike the previews structure that focused on the product. This new structure pulls functions out of the different divisions and put them in centralized units, each specialized in respectively Globale Maketing, R and D and Global Operations. As a consequence, the former divisions are reduced to production units and subsidiaries; that receives instructions from the top. To assure communication between top and bottom, Coloplast place Commercial Excellence above the whole new structure. With the three functional divisions, Coloplast makes sure that there a clear purpose that goes all the way through the whole company, when it comes to their global marketing, innovation and how new products should be developed. As a result Coloplast becomes a unified company with no duplications of tasks. The greatest advantages of this functional centralized structure is its lightness and affectivity. It gives the opportunity to hire highly specialized staff. As Coloplast CEO puts it; â€Å"The subsidiaries have a huge, but simple, responsibility: they ? ll have to sell like the dickens† meaning that Coloplast now can headhunt exact talents for each function. The workforce those talents brings is not only promoting a single product but the company as a whole. Employees have the opportunity to learn from their superiors. They also have the opportunity to work alongside colleagues who relate to their professional interests and abilities, thus making for a more productive and enjoyable environment. By moving the production responsibility from all division to the Global Operation in cheap-labor countries, it’s possible for Coloplast to reach the point of an Economical of scale. Like any other organization structure, the functional organization has weaknesses. Because of the decision-making within the functional works from top to bottom, it’s a constant challenge to make sure that the organizations objectives are integrated at the bottom. Another disadvantage is that units may have limited flexibility in problem solving, making changes or responding quickly to customer demands and needs, since the final decision-making authority rest with the top level of management. So how does Coloplast solve these challenges? Commercial Excellence/Business Excellence For solving the challenge of implementation of the organizations objectives and assurance of a two-way communication, Coloplast places â€Å"Commercial Excellence† above the entire new structure, which acts like the strong arm, that’ll prepare budgets and make sure that objective are achieved. Commercial Excellence or Business Excellence is the systematic use of quality management principles and tools in business management with the goal of identifying improvement opportunities, area of strength and ideas for future organizational development. It’s a support function that’ll help ensure â€Å"best practice† so that the organization can avoid those complications. Conclusion This new organizational structure is a natural step for the entire group, not only does it outsource to cheaper-labor countries but it has also given Coloplast improved profitability and an organic growth of 7%. The sustained competitiveness Coloplast has gained is due to the change of organization structure where they went from a production organization to a functional organization. With the transformation came the opportunity of standardization of tasks, this leads to efficiency and expertise in the related fields. This was something they lacked in the production organization. By implementing the Business Excellence, Coloplast shows that it’s aware of the weaknesses of the new organization design and intent to avoid them. Lars Rasmussen, Coloplast CEO, emphasizes how important it’s that this supporting system doesn’t end up like a police maneuver, keeping subsidiaries in an iron grip. â€Å"Instead it shall ensure â€Å"best practice† and set such high standards, that where that is difficulty, it’ll become natural to draw on headquarters†. It’s all about motivation, contributing to people and relying on each other. This serves as a great factor for self-actualization for the individual employee witch is not only contributing to the fulfillment of personal potential but also to the work-environment. The new organization has great potential; they have cut production time by half, they went from 13 factories to 10, constantly stimulating innovation by supporting Coloplast Incubator. Coloplast current strategy placed a great deal of responsibility on the shoulders of their employees, as well as implementation of some standard guidelines and the right motivation. There are no doubt about the new structure is more complex than the previews one. Annex

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Productivity Tips for Writers

Writing takes time – how much time depends on how efficient you are. We aren’t going to waste yours with fluff and nonsense. We are going to get right to the point – here are productivity tips and tools that specifically address the unique demands of writers. Productivity Tips Here are eight tips that are bound to help you increase productivity: 1. Have a Plan of Attack When you sit down to work, you should know what you’re going to work on. And saying, â€Å"I’m going to work on my writing,† doesn’t cut it. Have a specific plan. Are you going to write an essay? Are you going to write a post? Choose a single project and work on it. 2. Do One Thing at a Time If you multitask, you will mindlessly jump between different activities. Not only that, but you will rarely complete any of those activities – at least not complete them successfully. Do one thing at a time. Put all other activities on a to-do list and come back to them later. 3. Give Yourself Deadlines If you give yourself all day to complete a project, it is going to take all day. Give yourself deadlines and abide by those deadlines. 4. Do it Once and be Done Proofreading once is good. Proofreading five times is bad. Don’t be a perfectionist. 5. Accept the Obvious Writer’s block happens. There isn’t much that can be done about the unfortunate situation either. Just accept the fact. Don’t waste time staring at a blank computer screen. If you can’t write today, fine. Do something else. Reply to comments. Do some promotional work. 6. Get off Facebook! For many writers, internet connection and self-employment are a deadly combination. Most of us relish the fact we don’t have a boss. However, the accountability of someone looking over our shoulder does come in handy. In the absence of a boss, you’ll have to monitor your own actions and limit your mindless surfing. A five minute break every few hours is fine. However, more than that is just a waste of time. 7. Organize your Email Inbox Not all email messages are created equal. Some are more important than others. To make sure you attend to the most important first, set up automatic filters. You can route incoming messages to client specific folders. Set up tags for all submissions via your blog’s contact form. Then, you can address all similar subjects at once. 8. Take Your Job Seriously Most writers rejoice because they have managed to escape the demands of a 9-5 job. There is a lot of flexibility in the hours we work. That being said, we still have a job to do. Your writing will suffer greatly if you are up all night partying. Remember coffee can only do so much. It can’t provide a clear mind or smooth thought process. Productivity Tools Let these tools make you even more productive: Dictionaries and Thesauruses Sometimes even the most genius writer needs a bit of help. Check out various dictionary extensions for Google Chrome or download Wordweb Pro. Organize Your Thoughts Sometimes we have too much stuff rattling around inside our brains. Luckily, there are various brain dumping technologies available. Simply jot down your thoughts and be done. Store ideas for future blog posts. Make a note of an article you want to read. Many of these apps sync across various platforms so you never have to be without. For example, check out Evernote. Share Files Whether you are sharing with yourself or a virtual assistant across the country, it makes life easier when files can be accessed from anywhere. Use file sharing tools like DropBox or Google Docs. You can get to your files no matter where you are; after all, you never know when inspiration will strike! Do you have a productivity tip or tool we left off the list? Tell us about it!