Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Homeless Veterans Throughout The City Of Los Angeles

The growing number of homeless veterans in the city of Los Angeles is growing out control, this issue is a social phenomenon that affects every city across the country; small or large. It is important to understand that consequently, one way or another, this issue affects not only the homeless veteran, the city, state and government, but every citizen within each city. Bring forth more attention to the fact that additional resources are required; resources such as prevention programs, services, education and vocational training, affordable housing, and medical services. In the last few years, government officials have realized that the current services for veterans are inadequate or insufficient. The government realizes that with the end of both wars, Iraq and Afghanistan, the number of homeless veteran will surely increase. Additionally let’s not forget that these are the men and women who put their own lives in danger to protect our freedom and our way of life. After all tha t, the least we can do is to ensure that they are provide with adequate post-war services and training in order to adequately transition from military to the civilian sector. Los Angeles The Homeless Veteran Imagine not knowing where you will sleep tonight, not having a place to shower nor, having any money to buy food, that is the reality for thousands of homeless veterans living in the streets Los Angeles. As we look into the homeless issue in the city, we realize that the homeless call-out forShow MoreRelatedSkid Row and the Safer Cities Initiative1277 Words   |  6 PagesThe Safer Cities Initiative of Los Angeles was brought upon the city in late 2006 by Mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa. The Initiative was primarily designed to remove the homeless and mentally ill citizens from the isolated, 50 by 5 block, Los Angeles streets, known Nationally as Skid Row. In the end the S.C.I. violated these citizens civil rights and failed to meet any set obligations and responsibilities. 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